July 24, 2021 health benefits of chandan

Chandan – Benefits & Use

When asked “What is the scent of India?, most people would probably reply with a “Chandan” with few others voting for the many fragrances out there. With a scent indigenous to the nation, chandan or sandalwood can be found almost everywhere – from scripture to mythology, and from incense sticks to skin products. Claimed to have medicinal properties, sandalwood is said to calm the mind, nervous system, and mood thus awakening and enlivening intelligence, courage, strength, and happiness along. Due to numerous benefits associated with it, sandalwood is often applied on the forehead.

Let us see why it can be beneficial to apply some chandan on the forehead:

1. Relieves headaches

Applying sandalwood paste on the forehead is believed to help cool the nerves and relieve a headache caused because of excessive sun exposure.

2. Reduces fever

Application of some sandalwood paste, as mentioned before, helps reduce the body temperature. This cooling effect, which has been known since the ancient times, will help reduce a fever effectively.

3. Relieves insomnia and stress

Caused by an overactive mind, mental stress and fatigue, insomnia can be a taxing condition to have. However, as per Ayurveda, massaging the forehead with some sandalwood paste can relieve stress and insomnia.

4. Reduces pimples and wrinkles

Sandalwood paste can be a boon to both the young and the old as it holds the answer to the skin problems of both. Sandalwood is said to be an effective home remedy, if the required paste is applied for 20 minutes daily, for wrinkles. Applying some sandalwood paste helps get rid of greasy skin and also helps reduce acne, and also remove acne scars.

5. Improves concentration

Claims have also been made about how applying sandalwood paste on the forehead can stimulate your attention and help one focus better.It’s cooling effect on the body definitely helps in clearing the mind.

Besides all the 5 aforementioned benefits, chandan is said to have sedative, disphroretic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, disinfectant. haemostatic, expectorant, and antipyretic properties which can help to treat problems like acidity, gonorrhea, bronchial and skin ailments. Hence having some chandan or sandalwood is a must for a healthy living!

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